Sunday, March 22, 2009

i met him!

today i went to visit LEON at his camp!
im freaking happy that i could meet him today.
ann gee come to sleepover at my crib yesterday.
i cant fall asleep yesterday night, im excited to see him. =P
we start our journey to his camp, BEHRANG, at 10 a.m and we reached there at 11.40 a.m.
when we first saw him, we cant forbear to laugh because he became sooooooo cute after he cut off his hair..
he kept touching his head and his actions were freaking cute!
he became ''sami'' now.. but for me it's not too bad.. still looked smart! =)
we stayed there for 3 hours plus.. chit chatting..
but there's kinda hot.. i cant imagine how leon can endure with the heat.
he must be heaty all the time. he told me that he bathed 3 times everyday because he will feel uncomfortable when he's sweaty.
btw, the atmosphere there was not bad. his camp area is quite large and clean too..
but i dunno how's the situation in his dome la.. haha..
GOOD NEWS~! LEON applied 3 days holidays for the CHING MING festival, on the 6th to 8th april! yes!!!! haha..
we reached home at 5.15p.m today.
slacked awhile and we went out to eat with my family.
then sent ann gee back to her house. i also stayed at her house to talk on the phone with leon.
we talked for 1 hour plus. before the instructors collect his phone. we had not been talk for so long for few days. talk until the last minutee! haha. he promised me to give me at least one call per day, by using the public phone. yeah! =)
i miss him alot! miss him more after i see him today! urghhh~
LEON, no matter how u look like, i also wont change my love for you. because i love YOU. YOU! it's YOU! okay? =)
Im waiting for you~ I MISS YOU~

p/s: photos will be uploaded later. =P

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